ويكاموس:فهرس إنكليزي v
[عدل]- vac
- vacancy
- vacant
- vacantly
- vacate
- vacation
- vacationer
- vacationist
- vaccinal
- vaccinate
- vaccination
- vaccine
- vacillate
- vacillation
- vacuum
- vacuum cleaner
- vacuum flask
- vagabond
- vagina
- vagrant
- vague
- vagueness
- vainglorious
- valet
- valiant
- valid
- validate
- validity
- valley
- valuable
- valuables
- valuation
- value
- valueless
- valve
- vamp
- vampire
- vampire bat
- van
- vandal
- vandalism
- vane
- vanguard
- vanilla
- vanish
- vanity
- vanquish
- vantage
- vapid
- vaporize
- variable
- variance
- variant
- variation
- varicose vein
- variegated
- variety
- various
- varnish
- vary
- vase
- vasectomy
- vaseline
- vassal
- vast
- vastness
- vat
- vatican
- vault
- vaulting
[عدل]- veal
- vector
- veer
- vegetable
- vegetable marrow
- vegetarian
- vegetarianism
- vegetate
- vegetation
- vehemence
- vehement
- vehicle
- veil
- vein
- veined
- veining
- velar
- vellum
- velocity
- velvet
- velveteen
- venal
- vend
- vendetta
- vending
- vendor
- veneer
- venerable
- venerate
- veneration
- venereal
- venereal disease
- vengeance
- vengeful
- venial
- Venizelian
- Venizelos
- venom
- venomous
- vent
- ventilate
- ventilation
- ventilator
- ventricle
- ventriloquist
- ventripotent
- venture
- venue
- veracity
- veranda
- verb
- verbal
- verbal auxiliary
- verbal noun
- verbally
- verbatim
- verbena
- verbiage
- verbose
- verbosity
- verdict
- verdure
- verge
- verge on
- verger
- verification
- verify
- veritable
- vermin
- vermouth
- vernacular
- versatile
- versatility
- verse
- versed
- version
- versus
- vertebra
- vertebrate
- vertex
- vertical
- vertically
- vertigo
- vervain
- verve
- very
- vespers
- vested
- vested interests
- vestibule
- vestige
- vestment
- vestry
- vet
- veteran
- veterinarian
- veterinary
- veterinary surgeon
- veto
- vex
- vexation
- vexatious
[عدل]- viable
- viaduct
- viaticum
- vibrant
- vibrate
- vibrating
- vibration
- vibrator
- vicarage
- vicarious
- vice
- vice-
- vice admiral
- vice president
- viceroy
- vicinity
- vicious circle
- viciousness
- victim
- victimization
- victimize
- victor
- victorian
- victorious
- victory
- video
- video camera
- videocassette
- videocassette recorder
- videodisc
- videotape
- vie
- Vietnam
- vietnamese
- view
- viewer
- viewfinder
- viewpoint
- vigil
- vigilance
- vigilant
- vigorous
- vigorously
- viking
- vile
- vileness
- vilification
- vilify
- village
- villager
- villain
- villainous
- villainy
- villiform
- villum
- vim
- vindicate
- vindication
- vindictive
- vindictiveness
- vine
- vinegar
- vineyard
- vintage
- vinyl
- viola
- violate
- violation
- violence
- violent
- violet
- violin
- violinist
- viper
- virgin
- Virginia
- Virginian
- virginity
- virgo
- virile
- virility
- virtual
- virtualize
- virtually
- virtue
- virtuoso
- virtuous
- virulent
- virus
- visa
- viscount
- viscous
- visibility
- visible
- vision
- visionary
- visit
- visitor
- vista
- vistula
- visual
- visual display unit
- visualize
- visually
- vita-
- vital
- vital statistics
- vitality
- vitally
- vitamin
- vitreous
- vivacious
- vivacity
- viva voce
- vivid
- vividness
- vivisection
- vixen
[عدل]- vocabulary
- vocal
- vocal cords
- vocalist
- vocally
- vocation
- vociferous
- vodka
- vogue
- voice
- void
- volatile
- volcanic
- volcano
- volition
- volley
- volt
- voltaic
- voltage
- voltmeter
- voluble
- volume
- voluminous
- voluntarily
- voluntary
- volunteer
- voluptuous
- voluptuousness
- vomit
- voracious
- vortex
- vote
- vote down
- vote of confidence
- vote of thanks
- voter
- voting
- voting booth
- voting paper
- voting station
- vouch
- voucher
- vow
- vowel
- voyage
- voyager