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من ويكاموس، القاموس الحر



الجدول 1: اقتراح كلمات المفردات في ويكاموس

Word en.Wiktionary link Arabic Igbo Francais fr.Wiktionary link
Acid Rain Acid Rain المطر الحامضى mmiri ozuzo acid Pluie acide pluie_acide
Aerosols Aerosols الإيروسولات Aérosol a%C3%A9rosol
Algae Algae الطحالب Algue algue
Asbestos Asbestos الأسبستوس Amiante amiante
Atmosphere Atmosphere الغلاف الجوي ikuku Atmosphère atmosph%C3%A8re
Bioaccumulation Bioaccumulation التركيز الحيوي Bioaccumulation bioaccumulation
Biodiversity Biodiversity التنوع الحيوي iche iche Biodiversité biodiversit%C3%A9
Biogas Biogas الغاز الحيوي Biogaz biogaz
Biosphere Biosphere الغلاف الحيوى Biosphère biosph%C3%A8re
Cleaner Production Cleaner Production الإنتاج الأنظف Production plus propre -
Composting Composting الكمر Compostage compostage
Deforestation Deforestation إزالة الغابات Déforestation d%C3%A9forestation
Dioxins Dioxins الديوكسين 0 dioxine
Drought Drought الجفاف oké ọkọchi na Sécheresse s%C3%A9cheresse
Ecosystem Ecosystem النظام البيئي Kere eke Ecosystème %C3%A9cosyst%C3%A8me
Environmental Auditing Environmental Auditing المراجعة البيئية gburugburu ebe obibi oditi Audit environnemental audit_environnemental
Environmental Disasters Environmental Disasters الكوارث البيئية Catastrophes environnementales -
Eutrophication Eutrophication التخثر Eutrophisation eutrophisation
Food Chain Food Chain السلسلة الغذائية nri ogologo Chaîne alimentaire cha%C3%AEne_alimentaire
Global Warming Global Warming الاحتباس الحراري okpomọku gburugburu uwa Réchauffement de la planète r%C3%A9chauffement_climatique
Hydrosphere Hydrosphere الغلاف المائى Hydrosphère hydrosph%C3%A8re
Infrared Radiation Infrared Radiation الأشعة تحت الحمراء Radiation infrarouge -
Lithosphere Lithosphere الغلاف اليابس Lithosphère lithosph%C3%A8re
Mesosphere Mesosphere المزوسفير Mésosphère m%C3%A9sosph%C3%A8re
Natural Park Natural Park المحميات الطبيعية Parc naturel parc_naturel
Organic Farming Organic Farming الزراعة العضوية Agriculture biologique agriculture_biologique
Over Grazing Over Grazing الرعى الجائر Surpâturage surp%C3%A2turage
Ozone Layer Ozone Layer طبقة الأوزون Couche d'ozone couche_d%E2%80%99ozone
Pesticides Pesticides المبيدات Pesticides pesticides
Phytoplankton Phytoplankton النباتات العالقة Phytoplancton phytoplancton
Pollution Pollution mmebi Pollution pollution
Recycling Recycling إعادة التدوير Recyclage recyclage
Renewable Energy Renewable Energy الطاقه المتجددة Énergies renouvelables %C3%A9nergies_renouvelables
Sanitary Landfilling Sanitary Landfilling الدفن الصحى للمخلفات Décharge sanitaire -
Stratosphere Stratosphere الستراتوسفير Stratosphère stratosph%C3%A8re
Thermosphere Thermosphere الثروموسفير Thermosphère thermosph%C3%A8re
Troposphere Troposphere التروبوسفير Troposphère troposph%C3%A8re
Ultraviolet Radiation Ultraviolet Radiation الأشعة فوق البنفسجية Radiation ultraviolette -
Wetlands Wetlands الأراضي الرطبة Zones humides zones_humides
deforestation deforestation Déforestation
Emissions Emissions Émissions %C3%A9missions
WEATHER WEATHER ihu igwe Météo m%C3%A9t%C3%A9o
temperature temperature ọnọdu okpmọku Température temp%C3%A9rature
humidity humidity iru mmiri Humidité humidit%C3%A9
cloud cloud ígwé ojii Nuage nuage
wind wind ifufe Vent vent
Earth Earth uwa Terre Terre
Mitigation Mitigation Atténuation att%C3%A9nuation
Radiation Radiation radieshon Radiation (Rayonnement) radiation
Water Vapour Water Vapour Vapeur d'eau vapeur_d%E2%80%99eau
Specie Specie di iche iche Espèce esp%C3%A8ce
Extinct Extinct Agwo Éteint (disparu) %C3%A9teint
wildlife wildlife anu ọhia Faune faune
climate climate Climat climat
climate change climate change Changement climatique changement_climatique
carbon dioxide carbon dioxide Dioxyde de carbone dioxyde_de_carbone
extinction extinction Extinction extinction
fossil fuel fossil fuel Combustible fossile combustible_fossile
greenhouse gases greenhouse gases Gaz à effet de serre gaz_%C3%A0_effet_de_serre
greenhouse effects greenhouse effects Effets de serre effets_de_serre
solar radiation solar radiation Rayonnement solaire rayonnement_solaire
ecoanxiety ecoanxiety éco-anxiété %C3%A9co-anxi%C3%A9t%C3%A9
carbon emissions carbon emissions Émissions de carbone
carbon footprint carbon footprint Empreinte carbone empreinte_carbone
Carbon stock Carbon stock Stock de carbone
carbon tax carbon tax Taxe carbone taxe_carbone
pollution pollution Pollution pollution
climate crisis climate crisis Crise climatique
climate emergency climate emergency Urgence climatique urgence_climatique
climate justice climate justice Justice climatique
climate strike climate strike Grève du climat
ecolinguistics ecolinguistics Écolinguistique
Extreme weather events Extreme weather events Événements météorologiques extrêmes
mass extinction mass extinction Extinction massive
Sea level rise Sea level rise Élévation du niveau de la mer
Paris agreement Paris agreement Accord de Paris
sea level sea level Niveau de la mer niveau_de_la_mer
Adaptation Adaptation Adaptation Adaptation
Adaptive Capacity Adaptive Capacity Capacité d'adaptation
afforestation afforestation Boisement boisement
asbesto asbesto Asbesto asbesto
alternative energy alternative energy énergie alternative
anthropogenic anthropogenic Anthropique anthropique
Atmospheric Lifetime Atmospheric Lifetime Durée de vie atmosphérique
biofuel biofuel Biocarburant biocarburant
Biogeochemical Cycle Biogeochemical Cycle Cycle biogéochimique cycle_biog%C3%A9ochimique
biomass biomass Biomasse biomasse
Black Carbon Aerosol Black Carbon Aerosol Aérosol de carbone noir
borehole borehole Forage forage
carbon cycle carbon cycle Cycle du carbone
carbon sequestration carbon sequestration Séquestration carbone s%C3%A9questration_carbone
chlorofluorocarbons chlorofluorocarbons chlorofluorocarbone chlorofluorocarbone#fr
Climate Lag Climate Lag Le décalage climatique
Climate Model Climate Model Modèle climatique
Climate Sensitivity Climate Sensitivity Sensibilité du climat
Earth System Earth System Système terrestre (Globe terrestre) globe_terrestre
Coal Mine Methane Coal Mine Methane Méthane des mines de charbon
coalbed methane coalbed methane Méthane houiller m%C3%A9thane_houiller
Conference of the Parties Conference of the Parties Conférence des parties
coral bleaching coral bleaching Blanchiment du corail
cryosphere cryosphere Cryosphère cryosph%C3%A8re
desertification desertification Désertification d%C3%A9sertification
Dryland Farming Dryland Farming Agriculture en zone sèche
El Niño El Niño El Niño
fluorocarbon fluorocarbon Fluorocarbone
hydrofluorocarbon hydrofluorocarbon Hydrofluorocarbone
Ozone layer depletion Ozone layer depletion Appauvrissement de la couche d'ozone
glacier glacier Glacier glacier
heat waves heat waves Vague de chaleur vague_de_chaleur#fr
landfill landfill Décharge d%C3%A9charge
methane methane Méthane m%C3%A9thane
natural gas natural gas Gaz naturel gaz_naturel
reforestation reforestation Reboisement reboisement
ocean acidification ocean acidification Acidification de l'océan
storm surge storm surge Onde de tempête onde_de_temp%C3%AAte
energy energy Énergie %C3%A9nergie
environment environment Environnement environnement
endangered species endangered species Espèce en voie de disparition esp%C3%A8ce_en_voie_de_disparition
erosion erosion Érosion %C3%A9rosion
Soil Erosion Soil Erosion Erosion des sols
conservation conservation Conservation conservation
contamination contamination Contamination contamination
afforestation afforestation Boisement boisement
conservationist conservationist Protecteur de l'environnement
diversity diversity Diversité diversit%C3%A9
contaminant contaminant Contaminant contaminant
carcinogen carcinogen
coal coal Charbon charbon
compost compost composter composter
ecology ecology Écologie %C3%A9cologie
forest forest Forêt for%C3%AAt
Household Waste Household Waste Ordures ménagères ordures_m%C3%A9nag%C3%A8res
fertilizer fertilizer Engrais engrais
habitat habitat Habitat habitat
Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste Déchets dangereux
pesticide pesticide Pesticide pesticide
pollutant pollutant Polluant polluant
smog smog Brouillard de fumée
Toxic Chemical Toxic Chemical Produit chimique toxique
garbage garbage Déchets d%C3%A9chets
insect insect Insecte insecte
plant plant Plante plante
animal animal Animal animal
oil spill oil spill Marée noire mar%C3%A9e_noire
overpopulation overpopulation surpopulation surpopulation
noise pollution noise pollution Pollution sonore
poaching poaching Braconnage braconnage
river river Rivière rivi%C3%A8re
sewage sewage Eaux usées eaux_us%C3%A9es
sun sun Soleil soleil
solar energy solar energy Énergie solaire %C3%A9nergie_solaire
soil soil Sol sol
species species Espèce esp%C3%A8ce
vegetable vegetable Légume l%C3%A9gume
garden garden Jardin l%C3%A9gume
wind power wind power Énergie éolienne
rainforest rainforest Forêt vierge for%C3%AAt_vierge
water cycle water cycle
urbanization urbanization Urbanisation urbanisation
experiment experiment expérience exp%C3%A9rience
earthquake earthquake Tremblement de terre tremblement_de_terre
tsunami tsunami tsunami tsunami
natural resources natural resources Ressource naturelle ressource_naturelle#fr
volcano volcano Volcan volcan
lake lake Lac lac
ocean ocean ocean ocean
dam dam Barrage barrage
estuary estuary Estuaire estuaire
gully gully Ravin ravin
island island Île %C3%AEle
lagoon lagoon Lagume lagune
swamp swamp Marécage mar%C3%A9cage
mangrove swamp mangrove swamp mangrove mangrove
pond pond Étang %C3%A9tang
pool pool Piscine piscine
riverbed riverbed lit de rivière
spring spring Printemps printemps
stream stream Flux flux
shoreline shoreline Rive rive
sea sea Mer mer
Sea cave Sea cave Grotte maritime
waterfall waterfall Chute d'eau chute_d%E2%80%99eau
wetland wetland Zone humide zone_humide
watershed watershed Bassin hydrographique bassin_hydrographique
tributary tributary Affluent affluent
ground water ground water Eau souterraine
high sea high sea Haute mer haute_mer
ocean water ocean water Eau de mer eau_de_mer
lake water lake water Eau du lac
surface water surface water Eau de la surface
creek water creek water eau du ruisseau
brackish water brackish water Eau somâtre eau_saum%C3%A2tre
pool water pool water Eau de piscine
water body water body Étandu d'eau %C3%A9tendue_d%E2%80%99eau
flood water flood water Eau d'inondation
lime water lime water Eau de chaux eau_de_chaux
tap water tap water eau_du_robinet
septic tank septic tank Fosse septique fosse_septique
reservoir reservoir réservoir r%C3%A9servoir
fish fish Poisson poisson
salt water salt water Eau salée eau_sal%C3%A9e
riverine riverine Riverain riverain
waterlogged waterlogged Saturé d'eau
sink water sink water Eau de l'évier
drainage drainage Drainage drainage
irrigation irrigation Irrigation irrigation
irrigation water irrigation water
ice ice Glâce glace
sail sail Voile voile
ferry ferry Bac bac
duck duck Canard canard
coral reef coral reef Récit corallien corallien
beach beach Plage plage
dish water dish water Eau de vaisselle eau_de_vaisselle
whale whale Baleine baleine
sea gull sea gull Mouette mouette
shark shark Requin requin
marsh marsh Marais (marecage) marais
gulf gulf Golf golfe
exhaust exhaust Échappement %C3%A9chappement
smoke smoke Fuméé fum%C3%A9e
fog fog Bruoillard brouillard
climate shock climate shock Choc climatique
sustainability sustainability Développement durable d%C3%A9veloppement_durable
organism organism Organisme organisme
life life Vie vie
change change Changement changement
tropics tropics Tropique tropique#fr-nom
health health Santé sant%C3%A9
Sustainable Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Agriculture durable agriculture_durable
endemism endemism Endémisme end%C3%A9misme
tropical forest tropical forest Forêt secondaire for%C3%AAt_secondaire
flora flora Flore flore
fauna fauna Faune faune
degradation degradation Dégradation d%C3%A9gradation
lichens lichens Lichens lichens
ecologist ecologist Écologiste %C3%A9cologiste
evolution evolution Évolution %C3%A9volution
overfishing overfishing Supêche surp%C3%AAche
nature nature Nature nature
vegetation vegetation Végétation v%C3%A9g%C3%A9tation
eradication eradication Éradication %C3%A9radication
graphite graphite Graphite graphite
biome biome Biome biome
hiking hiking Randonnée randonn%C3%A9e
agroforestry agroforestry Agroforesterie agroforesterie
astronomy astronomy Astronomies astronomie
oceanography oceanography Océanographie oc%C3%A9anographie
heritage site heritage site Site patrimonial
climate action climate action Action pour le climat
planet planet Planète plan%C3%A8te
stewardship stewardship Indendance intendance
earth crust earth crust Croûte terrestre cro%C3%BBte_terrestre
universe universe Univers univers
sandstone sandstone Grès gr%C3%A8s
dinosaur dinosaur Dinosaure dinosaure
aquaculture aquaculture Aquaculture aquaculture
mutation mutation Mutation mutation
vertebrate vertebrate vertébré vert%C3%A9br%C3%A9
preservation preservation préservation pr%C3%A9servation
biogeography biogeography biogéographie biog%C3%A9ographie
latitude latitude latitude latitude
impact impact impact impact
depletion depletion épuisement %C3%A9puisement
reptile reptile reptile reptile
herbivore herbivore herbivore herbivore
amphibian amphibian amphibien amphibien
development development développement d%C3%A9veloppement
bird bird oiseau oiseau
footprint footprint Empreinte au sol
zoology zoology zoologie zoologie
breeding breeding élevage %C3%A9levage
migratory migratory migratoire migratoire
tourism tourism tourisme tourisme
refugee refugee réfugié r%C3%A9fugi%C3%A9
warming warming réchauffement r%C3%A9chauffement
population population population population
disaster disaster catastrophe catastrophe
fertility fertility fertilité fertilit%C3%A9
prevention prevention prévention pr%C3%A9vention
mankind mankind humanité humanit%C3%A9
diversification diversification diversification diversification
bacteria bacteria bactéries bact%C3%A9ries
microorganism microorganism
demography demography
fossil fossil
well-being well-being
forestry forestry
endemic endemic
bioscience bioscience
cannibal cannibal
terrestrial terrestrial
gene transfer gene transfer
birdwatching birdwatching
plantlife plantlife
lifeform lifeform
waterbird waterbird
pollinator pollinator
grassland grassland
woodland woodland
invertebrate invertebrate
catchment catchment
seagrass seagrass
nutrient nutrient
hot spot hot spot
polyculture polyculture
agrobiology agrobiology
salinization salinization
desert desert
cell wall cell wall
chromosome chromosome
overconsumption overconsumption
landform landform
monoculture monoculture
horticulture horticulture
taxonomy taxonomy
human human
predator predator
biota biota
indigenous indigenous
nocturnal nocturnal
phylum phylum
ecosystem service ecosystem service
metabolism metabolism
catalyst catalyst
community community
decomposition decomposition
niche niche
photosynthesis photosynthesis
pigment pigment
abiotic abiotic
biotic biotic
algal bloom algal bloom
invasive species invasive species
indicator indicator
biofuel biofuel
carbon sink carbon sink
carbon pool carbon pool
convention convention
fragmentation fragmentation
genotype genotype
green economy green economy
green infrastructure green infrastructure
landscape landscape
nomenclature nomenclature
phenotype phenotype
resilience resilience
resource resource
rehabilitation rehabilitation
restoration restoration
river basin river basin
sustainable development sustainable development
zoonosis zoonosis
nitrogen fixation nitrogen fixation
purification purification
tonne tonne
scientist scientist
hybrid hybrid
air pollution air pollution
water pollution water pollution
birthrate birthrate
death rate death rate
animal husbandry animal husbandry
exhaust fumes exhaust fumes
automobile automobile
industrial waste industrial waste
mining mining
radioactive waste radioactive waste
animal waste animal waste
biodegradable plastic biodegradable plastic
litter litter
marine plastic marine plastic
plastic waste plastic waste
livestock livestock
cowdung cowdung
grazing grazing
feed feed
farmer farmer
flower flower
fruit fruit
poultry poultry
shrub shrub
acre acre
forage forage
fungicide fungicide
moisture moisture
toxic waste toxic waste
nuclear waste nuclear waste
butterfly butterfly
frog frog
antelope antelope
bee bee
elephant elephant
bull bull
kangaroo kangaroo
penguin penguin
rabbit rabbit
sheep sheep
ram ram
lamb lamb
zebra zebra
germination germination
climatology climatology
climatic zone climatic zone
precipitation precipitation