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نتائج البحث

  • strengths صِيغَةُ جَمْعٍ مُفْرَدُهَا [[strength]] Finnish: vahvuudet This is the longest one-voweled word in the English language....
    325 بايت (18 كلمة) - 04:40، 25 أبريل 2017
  • foreign language. Aside from learned literary borrowings, no English words derive directly from Ancient Greek or Koine Greek, but rather via one or more...
    492 بايت (55 كلمة) - 02:38، 25 أبريل 2017
  • fishes (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    fishes (US or when referring to one or more type) صِيغَةُ جَمْعٍ مُفْرَدُهَا fish fishes صِيْغَةُ المُضَارِعِ البَسِيْطِ المُفْرَدِ الغَائِبِ للفِعْل...
    306 بايت (22 كلمة) - 03:22، 25 أبريل 2017
  • is listed on page 1894, column one of the unabridged Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language published 1957. Mirriam Webster...
    986 بايت (69 كلمة) - 23:39، 28 أكتوبر 2023
  • points (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    (Rail transport, UK) Movable rails which can be used to switch a train from one railway track to another. قالب:automotive The two metal surfaces in a distributor...
    1 كيلوبايت (144 كلمة) - 13:12، 23 سبتمبر 2018
  • innings (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    (الجمع innings) (baseball) صِيغَةُ جَمْعٍ مُفْرَدُهَا [[inning]] (cricket) One side's or individual's turn to bat (from when the first player begins to...
    305 بايت (37 كلمة) - 03:41، 25 أبريل 2017
  • lines (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    Dispositions made to cover extended positions, and presenting a front in but one direction to an enemy. (shipbuilding, plural) Form of a vessel as shown by...
    711 بايت (81 كلمة) - 21:10، 3 أبريل 2020
  • the critical tonal differences employed in the Chinese language, using words such as this one without the appropriate indication of tone. From [[lex#قالب:lang:la|lex]]...
    3 كيلوبايت (232 كلمة) - 12:00، 19 يونيو 2020
  • lads (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    Pockets I loved saying lads . . . like I was a comrade . . . like I was one of them ... me and the lads . . . alright lads, eh ... Italy, no problem...
    610 بايت (78 كلمة) - 12:07، 23 سبتمبر 2018
  • italics (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    italic exaggerated intonation or some similar oral speech device by which one or more words is heavily and usually affectedly emphasized or otherwise given...
    662 بايت (82 كلمة) - 03:42، 25 أبريل 2017
  • wheels (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    never been approached. OB205: I totally agree with this, even to this day no one can beat those WHEELS! 2004 December 28, Mark Jenkins and Jeff O’Connell...
    1 كيلوبايت (144 كلمة) - 04:57، 25 أبريل 2017
  • Seton-Thompson, A Woman Tenderfoot (2005) p. 125: If it does not appeal to you as one of the horribles in life, try it once. Owen West, Four Days to Veracruz:...
    2 كيلوبايت (307 كلمات) - 21:03، 3 أبريل 2020
  • blues (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    قالب:informal One's particular life experience, particularly including the hardships one has faced. Your blues is just like mine. Your blues are just like mine. A...
    2 كيلوبايت (209 كلمات) - 02:37، 25 أبريل 2017
  • ha'p'orths (التصنيف language code missing/context)
    John R Watson, The Hampstead Mystery Although the shop was an unpretentious one, and catered mainly for the ha'p'orths of the juvenile patrons of the picture...
    967 بايت (138 كلمة) - 03:32، 25 أبريل 2017
  • allomorphic adj allomorphism n allomother n v allomucic acid n all one n all one's eggs in one basket n allonge n allonym n allonymous adj alloo v alloparenting...
    231 كيلوبايت (21٬332 كلمة) - 12:02، 21 فبراير 2022
  • atonally adv at once adv at one adv atone v ► atonement n atoner n at one's fingertips adj atoneth v at one time adv at one with prep atonia n atonic adj...
    259 كيلوبايت (23٬472 كلمة) - 12:03، 21 فبراير 2022