
من ويكاموس، القاموس الحر

فِي ٱللُّغَةِ ٱلْإِنْجْلِيزِيَّةِ:[عدل]



  1. صِيغَةُ جَمْعٍ مُفْرَدُهَا walkman


  • 2001 - Stewart O'Nan - The Speed Queen - Grove Press - Page 117
"She'd tried to sleep but she could hear the drums from the cousins' Walkmans."
  • 2000 - Ralph Lemon, Tracie Morris - Geography: Art, Race, Exile - Wesleyan University Press - Page 107
"James, Angelo, Nai, Moussa have a new relationship to Walkmans that did not exist during the last workshop. It's interesting watching them listen, [...]"
  • 2001 - Jay Heizer, Barry Render - Operations Management - Prentice Hall - Page 743
"For example, Shader Electronics cannot produce 70 Walkmans during the production [...]"